


With the cost of car insurance becoming more and more of an issue for the average American family, there are increasing numbers of people looking for cheap car insurance. But although it is possible to find cheap car insurance, the question remains, is it worth buying?


Everyone knows that car insurance companies are not all equal. Cheap car insurance is wonderful when paying the bill, but make a mistake on the company you select and you could find that the cheap car insurance policy that you found may turn into a nightmare. Cheap car insurance may not turn out to be so attractive when making a claim.

So if you have found a discount car insurance broker don’t just take the cheapest quote that you get. You need to find out a little about the insurance company that is offering the cheap car insurance rates.
And there’s ways to reduce the cost of your car insurance even with the best of companies. Here are some tips for those looking for cheap car insurance to  help reduce the cost of car insurance without compromising other things.

Listed below are other things you can do to reduce your insurance costs. 

1. Find a good online  discount car insurance broker before renewing.
The internet is a fabulous resource. Use it. There are all sorts of discount insurance brokers online where you can get fast quotes from a wide range of companies. Don’t just settle for the same company you always use. Car insurance rates vary all the time. Always get comparable quotes before renewing any policy.

2. Look at your policy when it comes to renewal time, don’t just pay. There are some things that you can vary in your policy that will affect the cost. Often there are some things there which duplicate other insurance that you may have that can be eliminated. Be critical, look carefully and ask questions about all these before you renew your policy.

3. Look at your deductible amount.
This is the amount that you pay first out of any claim. The cost of your policy is directly related to this amount. Many people, particularly those who have had their insurance policy for a long time, have never considered whether they ought to vary their deductible. If you have a good driving record and are prepared to increase the risk of paying a larger amount in the event of a (hopefully unlikely) claim you can save money by increasing your deductible.

4. Have a look at the type of car you drive.
Certain types of cars attract higher car insurance rates. Cars such as sports cars and also certain makes and models that are prime theft candidates cost more to insure. If you are buying a car then find out which makes and models these are before you buy.

5. Drive carefully.
Although it sounds a little trite to say it, your car insurance cost is a factor of your risk profile. You won’t get cheap car insurance if you have had 3 speeding fines and 2 accidents in the last year. These things are all taken into account and you should take care with how you drive. It all adds up onto your bill. There are big safe driver discounts available.

6. Considering installing safety and anti theft devices in your car.
Again these affect your risk profile. If you have a car that is safer and less at risk of theft it should be cheaper to insure. And if you have a car with certain safety devices now check that your insurance company is aware of these, if not tell them.

7. Have a look at who your other insurers are.
Many insurers offer a discount for multiple policies. If you insure your house with a certain company then ring them up and find out if they do car insurance. Get a quote from them. Find out what discounts they offer.

So if you’re in the market for cheap car insurance there’s some ideas for you. Don’t just accept that car insurance is always prohibitively expensive, get out there and do something about it.

Car Insurance Top Tips

The car insurance industry has got really competitive in the last few years, so prices haven't really changed much. There are now over 100 car insurers to choose from, so there are some very good deals out there for those who are prepared to shop around. 23% of motorists still choose to insure with the same company as the year before, but they could undoubtedly save money if they did check out some other companies.

Motorists could be forgiven for not getting other quotes, it used to be a very laborious exercise involving long waits while getting routed through the call centre, and boring repetition of facts to sales advisors. Now, thanks to the internet, it's all a lot more simple. Car insurers also offer extra discounts to people who buy online.

However, you need to consider the quality of the policy, not just the price:
  • Check that your low quotation is not due to an extremely high excess.
  • Check that you will get a courtesy car if your car needs to be taken in for repairs.
  • Check that legal insurance cover is included, if you want it, and automatic windscreen replacement.
  • Find out if there is an accident help line in case of an emergency.

It's a good idea to ring the insurer direct to talk through the policy in detail before signing up online.

Car Insurance Quotes Online - Money Saving Tips

You can get a quote with over 40 car insurers if you input your details into a good car insurance broker's website. You'll only need to give your details once. Call the insurer with the quotation to check exactly what is and isn't covered.
a garage, then you'll save by keeping your car there overnight. You'll also make savings if you can keep your car on a driveway. This is because there is more chance your car being broken into or vandalised if it's kept on the road.

Give your insurer an accurate picture of how many miles you do each year – you will save if you travel less.
Some occupations, like being a landlord, journalist or professional footballer (if only) attract higher premiums. You can save money if you work in finance or the civil service.

Get married! Men under 30 pay more if they're not married – it's just the excuse your girlfriend is looking for!

Under 25's pay more, but you can get lower premiums if can put a driver over the age of 25 with a good driving record on your policy as a named driver. That person must be under 60 though, as premiums rise again at that age.

Agreeing to higher excess (the average cost is £100) will help lower your premiums.
If your car is not of a high value, you could get third party cover and make quite a saving compared to fully comprehensive insurance.

Pay as you go insurance is a new option for 18-21 year olds. It's a recent development introduced by Norwich Union, in which you pay a unit cost per mile. The cost per mile is more between 11pm and 6am. You pay an initial fee of £199 to have a Global Positioning System fitted to your car, and then it transmits details of your mileage direct to Norwich Union. They send you a monthly invoice and you pay for the miles you've done!

Taking Pass Plus lessons to improve your driving abilities could save you around a third on your premiums. They cost £15 - £30 an hour and cover driving at night, in busy rush hour jams and fast motorway driving. You can find out more at www.passplus.org.uk . You can also improve your driving skills and make insurance savings with the Institute of Advanced Motorists ( www.iam.org.uk ).

Find out the insurance group of a car before you make the purchase. There are twenty insurance groups – the slower and less desirable the car (to criminals) then the lower the rating. You could make considerable savings by choosing a car in a lower insurance group.

If you want a high spec or performance car then you can expect to pay a lot more on your insurance. They're a lot more likely to be stolen or involved in an accident. Making the sensible choice might be a bit boring, but it will be a lot cheaper.

Watch your speed. Most insurance companies will let you get away with a single fixed penalty fine but if you repeat the offence then your premiums will rocket.

Protect your no claims discount as soon as you can (usually after four years). It costs a bit extra but it's well worth it.

Satellite navigation in your car will lower your premiums. Insurers have found that people concentrate more on their driving and less on trying to find their way, which means less chance of having an accident.

It's a good idea to have an engine immobiliser or alarm fitted not just because it could help you keep hold of your car, it will also make you a saving of 5-8%.

If there's two or more cars in the household, get them on the same policy to get a good discount.

Car Insurance, Essential Information About Excess Payments

An excess payment is the fixed contribution you must pay each time your car is repaired through your car insurance policy. Normally the payment is made directly to the accident repair garage when you collect the car. If your car is declared to be a write off, your insurance company will deduct the excess agreed on the policy from the settlement payment it makes to you. 

If the accident was the other drivers fault, and this is accepted by the third party's insurer, you'll be able to reclaim your excess payment from the other person's insurance company. But what if the other driver is uninsured? 

All motorists know that it's a legal requirement (under Section 143 of the 1988 Road Traffic Act) to have insurance for any damage they cause to third parties. But still many drive without insurance. An estimate of the incidence of uninsured driving in the UK is hard to come by and, for the obvious reasons, those drivers involved in breaking the law have every reason to keep quiet about it. 

Calculations from the Department of Transport suggest that in the UK around 5% of vehicles are being driven without valid insurance. This group of people not only impose costs on honest motorists in the form of higher premiums, but their presence on our roads also represents a serious risk to other road users. Consequently, uninsured driving is increasingly being regarded as a major social problem. 

But driving without insurance is not a victimless crime. If you have an accident with an uninsured driver and the accident wasn't your fault, the repair costs will be paid for by the Motor Insurers' Bureau that's funded in its entirety by the industry, or by your insurer. Therefore, if you're involved in an accident caused by an uninsured driver you'll eventually get you car repaired but you'll still have to pay the excess and there'll be no one to reclaim your excess from. 

What is a Compulsory Excess?

A compulsory excess is the minimum excess payment your insurer will accept on your insurance policy. Minimum excesses do vary according to your personal details and driving record and by insurance company. Today the average excess is around £100, but younger drivers could be faced with excesses of up to £500 - whilst more mature, experienced drivers with a good driving record, could be offered an excess of just £50. 

What is a Voluntary Excess?

In order to reduce your insurance premium, you may offer to pay a higher excess than the compulsory excess demanded by your insurance company. Your voluntary excess is the extra amount over and above the compulsory excess that you agree to pay in the event of a claim on the policy. As a bigger excess reduces the financial risk carried by your insurer, your insurer I able to offer you a significantly lower premium. 

The garage has repaired my car but it won't release the car too me until I pay the policy excess to them. Is this right? 

Yes, that is normal practice. But make sure you inspect the car when you collect it. Satisfy yourself that the repair is perfect. Then make sure you keep their receipt for your excess payment as you will need this if you're reclaiming against a third party's insurance. And just in case there's a dispute, it's a good idea to make sure the repair garage gives you a repair schedule. This will list all the repairs that were made to you car.

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